3 Recipes on How To Make Chicken Noodle Soup In A Crock Pot That Are Super Easy

How To Make Chicken Noodle Soup In A Crock Pot
image: cleaneatingkitchen.com

If you are looking for chicken noodle soup recipe that makes the most comforting dish of all time, here we have best ideas on how to make chicken noodle soup in a crock pot. This recipe is regarded as the easiest way of executing a recipe to result a homemade soup. Just make sure that you have already had the ingredients needed so your cooking will be lots easier.

Here is the line up you could learn step by step:

Tips to Make Chicken Noodle Soup from a Crock Pot

There are some tips to easily make a bowl of delicious chicken soup. If you want to cook the soup correctly and have the best taste of the soup, follow the tips below:

  • Don’t cook the chicken beforehand. Just cook the chicken slowly including the raw boneless and skinless chicken breast. Cook them for 6 hours. This will make the chicken tender. Later, remove them and shred the meat with two forks. Return the chicken to your slow cooker along with the soup. Stir occasionally.
  • To make the chicken noodle flavorful, you may add herbs, garlic and a bay leaf. If you feel like there is something missing in your chicken noodle soup taste, add salt.
  • Use fresh herbs or dried thyme and rosemary. Fresh springs are much recommended.
  • Add a pinch of sea salt and olive oil. For more flavor and fresh color, add a squeeze of lemon juice.
  • Red pepper flakes or cayenne are always good to add if you like spices.
  • Use egg noodles for your chicken noodle soup.
  • Freeze the soup without the noodles if you want to store the leftovers. The soup can be easily reheated anytime. However, the noodles are better to cook fresh.
  • Avoid using frozen chicken breast in cooking the chicken noodle soup. This is related with how you provide safety in consuming the dish. Yes, frozen chicken breast is not good to use in any food. Otherwise, you will have a risk.

Recipe 1

The first recipe requires you to provide 40 minutes total time to perform the best ways on how to make chicken noodle soup from a crock pot. Here is the line-up:

Ingredients Preparation:

  • 1 and ½lb boneless and skinless chicken breasts.
  • I large chopped onion.
  • 3 peeled and sliced carrots.
  • Sliced stalks celery
  • 4 tsp fresh thyme
  • 4 tsp springs fresh rosemary
  • 3 cloves minced garlic
  • Bay leaf
  • Kosher salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Low sodium chicken broth
  • 8 oz egg noodles

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Use slow cooker to combine chicken, carrots, onions, celery, thyme, garlic, rosemary and bay leaf along with the slat and pepper for seasoning. Pour them in broth.
  2. Close the cooker and cook the mixture for 6 to 8 hours.
  3. Once it is cooked, take it out and shred using two forks. Discard the bay leaf and the herbs.
  4. Return the chicken to the mixture and add the egg noodles.
  5. Cook with the lid for 20 to 30 minutes.
  6. Enjoy the chicken noodle soup.

Recipe 2

The second recipe on how to make chicken noodle soup from a crock pot is regarded super easy. Look at what the chicken noodle soup ingredients to prepare and the cooking instructions as follows:

Ingredients Preparation:

  • Celery, carrots, garlic and onions
  • Boneless and skinless chicken breast
  • Sal and pepper
  • Dried thyme, fresh rosemary, red pepper flakes and bay leaves
  • Chicken broth
  • Egg noodles

These ingredients can be substituted based on your own personal preference.

Cooking instructions:

  • Combine all the ingredients but not with the chicken noodles. Cook with the slow cooker for 6=8 hours.
  • Remove the chicken and shred with forks. Put it back into the slow cooker.
  • Add your egg noodles. You can boil the chicken and the noodles separately as you wish. Cook for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the chicken noodle soup from the heat.
  • Top with herbs you like.
  • Serve and enjoy.

Recipe 3

The third recipe on how to make chicken noodle soup from a crock pot is a bit different from the previous recipes we have already shared. In this recipe, you will cook the chicken noodle soup with a cooked rotisserie chicken, so that you van cut off the cooking time.

The ingredients used in this recipe are much similar to that of the first and second recipe. However, the cooking instructions are bit different.

Based on this recipe, yon should pull off all the meat from the bone and chop it. Then, add it to the soup you have already made. This technique will save your time. Well, chicken noodle soup with raw chicken or rotisserie will have the similar taste to that of the soup with the common technique. The major difference lays only on the fact that you can save your cooking time.

Why Everyone Like These Chicken Noodle Recipe

There are some reasons why everyone like this kind of traditional soup. The main reason is the fact that the recipe is super easy. However, you will also like the dish due to the following facts:

  • The chicken noodle soup is cozy and comforting. It involves lots of egg noodles along with the vegetables and delicious broth.
  • The chicken noodle soup is easily made in one pot. Use your crockpot and you will cook easily.
  • Boneless and skinless chicken is the source of lean protein.
  • As we have mentioned, the soup is loaded with vegetables.

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Final Words

Now that you already knew how easy to perform the ways on how to make chicken noodle soup in a crock pot, you must want to go for the recipe soon, right? So, no worry about how to make it. The ingredients can be easily grabbed in your fridge and the cooking directions are so simple and super easy.